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Browse by Practice Area
- Abandonment 1
Administrative law
- Abuse of discretion 3
- Appeals 9
- Costs 12
- Criminal injury compensation 3
- Discipline proceedings 5
- Duties and liability generally 1
- Excess of jurisdiction 1
- Independence of decision maker 7
- Inquiries and commissions 2
- Inquiries and investigations 2
- Judicial review 191
- Lack or excess of jurisdiction 2
- Natural justice 49
- References 1
- Remedies 6
- Res judicata 1
- Administrative review 1
- Admnistrative law 1
- Agency 82
- Agriculture 27
- Animals 59
- Appeals 1
- Arbitration 448
- Bailment 30
- Banking 83
- Actions 68
- Administration of estate 36
- Annulment 11
- Appeals 9
- Arrest of bankrupts 1
- Claims 93
- Cross-border insolvencies 1
- Discharge 295
- Legislation 3
- Petitions for receiving orders 36
- Practice 35
- Priorities 12
- Proceedings generally 1
- Property of bankrupt 2
- Property of the bankrupt 71
- Proposals 58
- Receiving orders 13
- Rights of creditors 1
- Securities firm bankruptcies 1
- Settlements and preferences 15
- Stay of proceedings 13
- Trustees 79
- Bills of exchange 70
- Builders' liens 237
- Builders’ liens 2
- Carriers 62
Charter of rights
- Application 13
- Freedom of expression 8
- Freedom of religion 2
- Fundamental freedoms 1
- Proceedings for relief 22
- Remedies 20
- Section 1 1
- Section 2(a) 1
- Section 2(b) 2
- Section 7 4
- Section 11 1
- Section 11(b) 2
- Section 11(d) 3
- Section 11(h) 2
- Section 15 32
- Section 15(2) 1
- Section 2 1
- Section 2(a) 3
- Section 2(b) 16
- Section 2(d) 12
- Section 23 4
- Section 6 1
- Section 7 12
- Section 8 5
- Sections 15 and 25 3
- Sections 2(d) and 15 2
- Sections 7 and 11(b) 1
- Sections 7 and 8 2
- Sections 8, 9, 10(a) and (b) 1
- Sections 9, 24(1) 1
- Choses in action 22
- Communications 6
- Condominiums 1
- Conflict of laws 521
- Constitutional law 87
- Construction law 452
- Consumer protection 32
- Contempt of court 431
- Breach 189
- Breach of confidence 1
- Breach of duty 1
- Certainty of terms 8
- Collateral contracts 12
- Conditions precedent 6
- Consideration 1
- Contracts having testamentary effect 1
- Discharge 65
- Enforceability 2
- Enforcement 12
- Formation 188
- Franchise agreements 10
- Interpretation 241
- Misrepresentation 17
- Mistake 8
- Mortgages 1
- Non-competition clauses 4
- Novation 4
- Parties 37
- Performance 22
- Privity 6
- Proof 13
- Rectification 18
- Releases 8
- Remedies 107
- Repudiation 1
- Restrictive covenants 25
- Restrictive coventants 1
- Sealed contracts 1
- Tenders 4
- Termination 20
- Terms 27
- Unilateral contracts 3
- Unjust enrichment 1
- Validity 70
- Coroners 8
- Actions 231
- Amalgamation 6
- Arrangement and compromises 7
- Arrangements and compromises 225
- Contracts 16
- Corporate opportunities 5
- Debentures 3
- Derivative actions 7
- Directors 2
- Directors and officers 48
- Dissolution 13
- Extraprovincial corporations 1
- Fraud and oppression 1
- Fraud or oppression 84
- Fraudulent conveyancesd or oppression 1
- Liability 10
- Liability of agent 1
- Meetings 14
- Proceedings 9
- Records 6
- Register of members 1
- Restoration and reinstatement 1
- Security 1
- Security agreements 1
- Security for costs 24
- Shareholders 61
- Shares 60
- Winding up 3
- Winding-up 51
- Administrative proceedings 11
- Advance costs 15
- Amount involved 90
- Appeals 45
- Appeals as to costs 54
- Assessment 111
- Class actions 7
- Conduct of counsel 52
- Conduct of parties 216
- Contractual provisions 14
- Cost of appeals 1
- Costs against non-parties 9
- Costs in any event of the cause 1
- Costs in the cause 5
- Costs of appeal 1
- Costs of appeals 210
- Costs of motions 98
- Disbursements 184
- Discretion of court 136
- Divided success 1
- Effect of contingency fee agreement 1
- Expert witnesses 1
- Fast track litigation 87
- Fast-track litigation 1
- Increased costs 121
- Interest on costs 1
- Liability 2
- Matrimonial litigation 5
- Matrimonial proceedings 640
- Multiple actions 1
- Nature of litigation 111
- Offer to settle 591
- Offers to settle 2
- Orders as to costs 14
- Outcome of litigation 517
- Outcome of litigaton 2
- Particular items 9
- Parties entitled to costs 27
- Parties entitled to or liable for costs 2
- Parties liable for costs 22
- Payment into court 1
- Payment of costs 4
- Persons entitled to costs 2
- Persons liable for costs 6
- Practice and procedure 46
- Procedural inefficiencies 16
- Prospective costs 3
- Recovery 3
- Security for costs 237
- Small claims proceedings 18
- Solicitor’s personal liability for costs 1
- Solicitor's personal liability for costs 6
- Special costs 288
- Summary assessment 1
- Summary trial 6
- Tariff of costs 4
- Taxation 1
- Unfounded allegations 46
- Authority of decisions 2
- Court proceedings 209
- Federal court 3
- Judges 77
- Judicial comity 3
- Judicial independence 7
- Jurisdiction 6
- Jurisdiction generally 436
- Jurisdiction of courts 1
- Justices of the peace 1
- Masters 21
- Openness of courts 6
- Proceedings 1
- Proceedings for contempt 1
- Proceedings generally 2
- Provincial court 34
- Registrars 19
- Supreme court 8
- Creditors' remedies 298
- Creditors’ remedies 1
- Crown 208
- Damages 154
- Defamation 420
- Default judgment 1
- Education 120
- Elections 49
- Characterization of relationship 30
- Constructive dismissal 86
- Contract of employment 217
- Corporations 1
- Duties and liability of employee 44
- Duties and liability of employee/employer 1
- Duties and liability of employer 19
- Duties of employee 1
- Legislation 66
- Public sector employers 4
- Remuneration 31
- Universities 1
- Wills interpretation 1
- Wrongful dismissal 639
- Wrongful resignation 1
- Encroachments 1
- Environmental law 145
- Equity 35
- Estoppel 204
- Evidence 2
- Expropriation 117
Family law
- Annulment 4
- Ante nuptial settlements 1
- Appeals 5
- Arbitration 21
- Bankruptcy 1
- Child protection 1
- Children 6025
- Common law spouses 495
- Conflict of laws 8
- Consent orders 1
- Contempt of court 16
- Contracts 3
- Costs 11
- Courts 2
- Custody 1
- Custody and access 6
- Declaration of irreconcilability 9
- Division 2
- Divorce 75
- Estoppel 2
- Guardianship 1
- Injunctions 4
- Interim injunctions 1
- Interim maintenance 1
- Jurisdiction of court 2
- Limitation of actions 3
- Maintenance 1442
- Maintenance provisions 1
- Marriage 31
- Marriage agreements 109
- Marriage settlements 1
- Matrimonial proceedings 2
- Matrimonial property 2155
- Mobility rights 1
- Orders 2
- Parties 1
- Pensions 1
- Post-nuptial settlements 1
- Practice 284
- Property 1
- Real property 1
- Restraining orders 52
- Same-sex couples 1
- Separation agreements 413
- Settlement of action 1
- Solicitor's fees 2
- Torts 1
- Fiduciaries 108
- Franchises 15
- Fraudulent transactions 189
- Gaming 16
- Gifts 171
- Guarantee & indemnity 140
- Health professions 1
- Highways & streets 19
Human rights
- Canadian human rights act 1
- Discrimination in accommodation, service and facility 11
- Discrimination of basis of family status 1
- Discrimination on basis of age 10
- Discrimination on basis of disability 47
- Discrimination on basis of family status 12
- Discrimination on basis of mental disability 3
- Discrimination on basis of race or national or ethnic origin 14
- Discrimination on basis of race or national origin 1
- Discrimination on basis of religion 2
- Discrimination on basis of sex 21
- Discrimination on basis of sexual orientation 5
- Judicial review 126
- Judicial reviewe 1
- Legislation 8
- Privacy 1
- Proceedings for relief 55
- Anti-suit injunctions 11
- Anton piller orders 2
- Availability 24
- Enforcement 5
- Ex parte injunctions 36
- Interim 1
- Interim injunction 2
- Interim injunctions 512
- Interlocutory injunctions 3
- Interpretation 1
- Mandatory injunctions 16
- Mareva injunctions 146
- Mareva injunctions 1
- Permanent injunctions 5
- Pleadings 1
- Practice 5
- Preservation orders 1
- Remedies 2
- Statutory injunctions 14
- Terms 2
- Variation 1
- Injunctons 1
- Accident insurance 16
- Actions 129
- Agents 32
- All-risks insurance 21
- Business interruption insurance 4
- Cancellation 1
- Course of construction contract 1
- Course of construction insurance 2
- Creditors' insurance 2
- Creditors’ insurance 1
- Defences 7
- Directors and officers insurance 2
- Disability insurance 80
- Duties & liability of insured 2
- Duties and liability of insured 5
- Duties of insured 14
- Exclusions 1
- Fidelity insurance 4
- Fire insurance 35
- Fraudulent transactions 1
- Government regulation 4
- Homeowners' insurance 32
- Homeowners’ insurance 5
- Insurance generally 67
- Interpretation of policy 11
- Liability insurance 35
- Liability of insurer 7
- Life insurance 35
- Marine insurance 12
- Mortgage life insurance 1
- Property and loss of income insurance 5
- Travel insurance 9
- Intellectual property 31
- Interest 122
- Labour law 501
- Landlord & tenant 857
Law profession
- Bylaws and resolutions 1
- Conflict of interest 149
- Conflicts of interest 1
- Custodianships 6
- Discipline 46
- Duties and liability 1
- Duties and liability generally 59
- Law libraries 2
- Law society 29
- Legal aid 15
- Negligence 101
- Partnerships 13
- Practice generally 10
- Removal of solicitor 8
- Retainer 2
- Solicitor’s fee 1
- Solicitor’s fees 168
- Solicitor's fees 14
- Solicitors' fees 1
- Solicitor's fees 667
- Special compensation fund 5
- Trust funds 5
- Unauthorized practice 44
- Withdrawal or removal of solicitor 13
Limitation of actions
- Adding or substituting parties 1
- Claims against crown 2
- Confirmation of cause of action 39
- Contracts 1
- Discoverability of cause of action 8
- Evidence 1
- Extinguishment 2
- Legislation 26
- Limitation periods 1
- Particular claims 160
- Particular items 1
- Postponement of limitation period 93
- Ultimate limitation period 7
- Waiver of limitation period 8
- Lis pendens 1
- Maritime law 47
- Maritive law 1
- Matrimonial proceedings 1
- Matrimonial property 5
Medical malpractice
- Actions 1
- Administration of drugs 1
- Anaesthetists 3
- Anesthetists 1
- Cardiologists 1
- Causation 1
- Chiropractors 5
- Dentists 9
- Diagnosis 1
- Duty to inform 17
- Emergency physicians 19
- Endocrinologists 1
- Gastroenterologists 2
- General practitioners 55
- Gynaecologists 4
- Hematologists 1
- Hospitals 6
- Hospitals and related institutions 15
- Internal medicine specialists 1
- Interns 1
- Neurologists 5
- Neurosurgeons 7
- Nurses 17
- Obstetricians 21
- Obstetricians and gynaecologists 16
- Ophthalmologists 13
- Opthamologists 1
- Oral and maxillofacial surgeons 5
- Orthopaedic surgeons 15
- Otolaryngologists 7
- Pathologists 2
- Pediatric surgeons 2
- Pediatricians 1
- Plastic surgeons 5
- Proceedings generally 17
- Psychiatrists 6
- Radiologists 5
- Surgeons 27
- Surgical assistants 1
- Urologists 3
- Uro-oncologists 1
- Wrongful birth 2
- Medicine 119
- Mental incapacity 1
- Mental incompetence 212
- Assignment of rents 2
- Cancellation 1
- Contracts 60
- Costs 2
- Discharge 10
- Effect of restraint orders under criminal legislation 1
- Equitable mortgages 13
- Foreclosure 483
- Liability of covenantor 7
- Mortgage broker 1
- Mortgage brokers 17
- Order nisi 1
- Priorities 31
- Proceedings generally 2
- Redemption 8
- Registration 3
- Remedies generally 1
- Repayment 5
- Sale 3
- Validity 7
Motor vehicle insurance
- Actions 18
- Collector vehicles 1
- Coverage for substitute vehicles 4
- Duties of insured 3
- Duties of insurer 2
- Exclusions 7
- Insurance generally 1
- Insurance monies 2
- Interpretation of policy 3
- Legislation 25
- Liability of insured 9
- Liability of insurer 137
- Liability of owner 2
- Mediation of disputes 2
- No fault benefits 195
- No-fault benefits 5
- Offences 5
- Overlapping coverage 1
- Recovery for loss of income 3
- Replacement-cost policies 1
- Structured judgments 7
- Subrogation 2
- Unauthorized driver 1
- Underinsured motorist protection 5
- Underinsured motorists 9
- Unidenitified drivers 2
- Unidentified drivers 9
- Uninsured motorists 11
- Unknown drivers 88
- Unlicensed vehicles 1
- Unqualified driver 5
- Vehicle repairs 2
- Motor vehicle lability 1
Motor vehicle liability
- — animals on roadway 1
- Animals of roadway 1
- Animals on roadway 16
- Appeals 4
- Backing 12
- Bicycles 64
- Changing lanes 28
- Children 30
- Contributory negligence 26
- Controlled intersections 1
- Disabled vehicles 3
- Emergencies 8
- Emergency vehicles 9
- Excessive speed 5
- Highways 8
- Intersections 174
- Left turns 60
- Liability of owner 47
- Lntersections 1
- Mechanical failures 6
- Motorcycles 11
- No fault benefits 1
- Objects falling from vehicle 1
- Obstructed visibility 2
- Obstructions on roadway 9
- Oncoming vehicles 40
- Parked vehicles 8
- Parking 9
- Parking lots 5
- Passenger falling from vehicle 3
- Passing 31
- Pedestrians 154
- Police 2
- Police vehicles 2
- Proper lookout 10
- Public transit 12
- Racing 1
- Railway crossings 1
- Rear end collisions 48
- Rear-end collisions 2
- Recreational vehicles 3
- Right turns 1
- Single vehicle accident 1
- Single-vehicle accident 54
- Snow and ice 8
- Special considerations 2
- Turns 21
- U-turns 1
- Vehicle crossing roadway 1
- Vehicle entering roadway 35
- Vehicle repairs 1
Motor vehicle offences
- Appeals 11
- Driving while disqualified or prohibited 10
- Driving without due care and attention 4
- Driving without insurance 4
- Driving without reasonable consideration 2
- Driving without valid licence 2
- Exceeding on-duty time limits 1
- Failure to keep log book 1
- Failure to remain at scene of accident 3
- Failure to slow for official vehicle 1
- Failure to stop at stop line 2
- Failure to stop for traffic light 1
- Failure to wear seatbelt 1
- Failure to yield 4
- Legislation 5
- Parking offences 4
- Passing on right 1
- Penalty 1
- Prosecution of offences 1
- Providing unlicensed passenger services 1
- Speeding 59
- Transportation of dangerous goods 3
- Unsafe passing 1
- Use of electronic device while driving 2
- Use of electronic devices while driving 14
- Motor vehicles 568
Municipal law
- Actions 44
- Building regulation 91
- Building regulations 1
- Business regulation 40
- Bylaws and regulations 5
- Bylaws and resolutions 295
- Capital expenditures 1
- Contracts 21
- Development cost charges 4
- Development permits 39
- Elections 8
- Financial management 2
- Financial management of municipality 1
- Highways and streets 5
- Incorporation of municipalities 1
- Legislation 4
- Liability 109
- Municipal councils 36
- Municipal employees 8
- Municipal services 17
- Official community plans 8
- Powers 12
- Property 16
- Subdivisions 38
- Tax sales 5
- Zoning 213
Native law
- Aboriginal rights 71
- Aboriginal title and rights 71
- Actions generally 76
- Contracts 1
- Creditors' remedies 1
- Hunting, trapping and fishing 26
- Indian bands 11
- Indian registry 7
- Land claims 24
- Legislation 1
- Real property 2
- Reserves 45
- Residential-school settlements 52
- Self-government 3
- Taxation 13
- Treaties 9
- Wills and estates 1
- Natural resources 1
- Air traffic control and related services 3
- Aircraft 1
- Airlines 1
- Animals 22
- Apportionment of liability 7
- Boating 4
- Breach of statute 1
- Building maintenance 2
- Care facilities 2
- Care providers 1
- Carriers 2
- Causation 46
- Children 12
- Chimney sweeps 1
- Commercial hosts 8
- Construction 4
- Contributory negligence 4
- Correctional facilities 1
- Damages 5
- Dangerous activities 3
- Defences 11
- Drinking establishments 2
- Duty of care 27
- Electrolysis 1
- Farm operations 1
- Fires 18
- Floods 2
- Food poisoning 2
- Food products 2
- Foreseeability 6
- Grocery stores 1
- Grounds maintenance 2
- Group home operators 1
- Hazardous materials 3
- Highway maintenance 13
- Hospitals 1
- Infliction of mental distress 3
- Joint and independent tortfeasors 13
- Joint and several tortfeasors 1
- Ladders 1
- Land development 1
- Laser treatments 1
- Liability in particular cases 1
- Manufactured goods 2
- Negligent hiring 1
- Negligent infliction of mental suffering 1
- Negligent misrepresentation 100
- Nervous shock 16
- Obstructions 1
- Occupiers' liability 1
- Occupiers liability 1
- Oil slicks 1
- Paramedics 1
- Pedestrians 1
- Performance of contract 15
- Police 1
- Proof of negligence 19
- Public officials 19
- Reflexologists 1
- Reliance 2
- Remanufactured goods 1
- Res ipsa loquitur 3
- Rescues 4
- Restaurants 1
- Retail stores 1
- Sale of alcohol 1
- Schools 6
- Security guards 1
- Sidewalks 3
- Social host liability 5
- Sports and recreation 31
- Standard of care 5
- Trail riding facilities 2
- Transport of goods 2
- Vehicle repair and maintenance 1
- Voluntary activities 1
Occupiers' liability
- Bridges 2
- Churches 1
- Commercial premises 100
- Construction sites 9
- Deep-sea terminals 1
- Defences 4
- Farms 4
- Hospital premises 1
- Independent contractors 1
- Legislation 2
- Lighting conditions 3
- Occupiers 7
- Outdoor premises 4
- Private roads 1
- Proceedings generally 2
- Public premises 20
- Recreation facilities 1
- Recreational premises 14
- Residential premises 35
- Rural premises 3
- Schools 6
- Semi-commercial premises 1
- Sidewalk 1
- Sidewalks 3
- Snow and ice 16
- Stairways 10
- Stairways and sills 1
- Utility rights of way and corridors 2
- Occupiers' liabilty 1
- Occupiers’ liability 1
- Partnerships 138
- Pensions 68
Personal injury quantum
- Aggravated damages 1
- Aggravation of pre-existing condition 145
- Ankle 13
- Ankle and back 1
- Ankles 2
- Appeals 77
- Apportionment of damages 3
- Arm 11
- Arm and hand 1
- Arm and shoulder 3
- Arm, hand 1
- Arm, hand and back 1
- Arms 1
- Arms, hips and legs 1
- Back 361
- Back and hip 28
- Back and knee 1
- Back and leg 1
- Back and neck 82
- Back and shoulder 9
- Back and shoulders 6
- Back land neck 1
- Back, hip and shoulder 1
- Back, neck and hip 3
- Back, neck and jaw 2
- Back, neck and shoulder 48
- Back, neck and shoulders 15
- Back, neck and wrist 1
- Back, neck, shoulder 1
- Back, neck, shoulder and hip 2
- Back, shoulder and arm 2
- Back, shoulder and hip 5
- Back, shoulder and neck 3
- Brain 205
- Breast 4
- Burns 2
- Causation 101
- Chest 3
- Chest and neck 2
- Chest, neck and shoulder 2
- Chronic pain 104
- Chronic pain and myofascial pain 2
- Clavicle 1
- Collateral benefits 10
- Dizziness 2
- Dystonia 1
- Elbow 10
- Elbows 1
- Elderly plaintiffs 7
- Evidence 1
- Eye 7
- Face 5
- Family compensation act 48
- Fees of public guardian and trustee 1
- Fibromyalgia 24
- Finger 2
- Foot 11
- Future care costs 28
- Future income loss 1
- Hand 8
- Hand and elbow 1
- Hand and wrist 1
- Hands 2
- Head 13
- Headaches 41
- Hearing 9
- Hip 30
- Hip and shoulder 1
- Hip, back and knee 1
- Hip, neck and shoulder 1
- Hips 6
- Internal injures 1
- Internal injuries 6
- Intersections 1
- In-trust awards 2
- Jaw 11
- Knee 67
- Knees 5
- Leg 16
- Leg and ankle 3
- Leg and arm 1
- Leg and knee 7
- Leg, hip and wrist 1
- Legs 1
- Loss of earning capacity 2
- Loss of enjoyment 2
- Loss of future earnings 113
- Loss of homemaking capacit 1
- Loss of homemaking capacity 3
- Loss of housekeeping capacity 1
- Loss of opportunity 5
- Loss of pension 1
- Loss of profit 2
- Loss of sick leave benefits 2
- Lower back 1
- Management fees 22
- Minor injuries 33
- Mitigation 10
- Multiple injuries 66
- Multiples injuries 1
- Myofascial pain 7
- Nausea vertigo syndrome 1
- Neck 118
- Neck and arm 2
- Neck and back 546
- Neck and hip 1
- Neck and jaw 3
- Neck and shoulder 54
- Neck and shoulders 49
- Neck, back and arm 2
- Neck, back and chest 3
- Neck, back and hip 2
- Neck, back and knee 1
- Neck, back and shoulder 150
- Neck, back and shoulders 208
- Neck, back and wrist 1
- Neck, back, and shoulder 1
- Neck, back, and shoulders 1
- Neck, back, shoulder 1
- Neck, back, shoulders 1
- Neck, shouder and back 1
- Neck, shoulder 3
- Neck, shoulder and arm 7
- Neck, shoulder and back 45
- Neck, shoulder and hip 2
- Neck, shoulder, and arm 1
- Neck, shoulder, and back 1
- Neck, shoulder, back 1
- Neck, shoulders and back 10
- Neuropathic pain 1
- Paraplegia 7
- Past and future income loss 11
- Past and future loss of earnings 3
- Past income loss 33
- Payment of judgment 2
- Pedestrians 1
- Pelvis 4
- Pentaplegia 1
- Post-traumatic stress disorder 14
- Principles 11
- Proof of damages 17
- Psychological factors 7
- Psychological injury 102
- Quadriplegia 6
- Ribs 7
- Scarring 3
- Sexual assault 36
- Shoulder 74
- Shoulder and ankle 1
- Shoulder and arm 2
- Shoulder and back 7
- Shoulder and knee 2
- Shoulder and neck 1
- Shoulder, knee and neck 1
- Shoulder, neck and back 11
- Shoulders 3
- Shoulders and neck 1
- Special damages 5
- Spinal cord, bladder 1
- Structured judgments 1
- Tax gross-up 13
- Teeth 2
- Thoracic outlet syndrome 13
- Thumb 1
- Urological dysfunction 2
- Vertigo 1
- Vestibular disorder 1
- Visual-vestibular disorder 2
- Voice 1
- Whiplash 172
- Wrist 22
- Wrist, arm and leg 1
- Personal property 7
- Personal property security 107
- Access to court records by non-party 1
- Accounting 6
- Actions 71
- Adding defendant 1
- Adding defendants 1
- Adjournment 2
- Admissions 91
- Advance payments 17
- Advances 5
- Affidavits 105
- Amendment 1
- Appeal 3
- Appeals 2125
- Availability 1
- Case planning conferences 12
- Chambers proceedings 62
- Children 2
- Class actions 797
- Class actons 5
- Class proceedings 9
- Commencement of proceedings 82
- Consolidation 1
- Counterclaim 14
- Default judgment 246
- Disclosure 12
- Disclosure of documents 68
- Discovery 292
- Discovery of documents 899
- Dismissal 11
- Dismissal for want of compliance with court order 1
- Dismissal for want of compliance with order 41
- Dismissal for want of compliance with rules 20
- Dismissal for want of prosecution 311
- Documents 2
- Documents held by non-parties 1
- Evidence 594
- Evidence and procedure at trial 1
- Examination for discovery 305
- Examinations for discovery 1
- Expedited litigation project 12
- Expert reports 1
- Extension of time 1
- Fast track litigation 48
- Fatal injury claims 5
- Financial disclosure 11
- Fourth party proceedings 5
- General 1
- Guardians ad litem 15
- Indigent status 16
- Infant judgments 1
- Infant settlements 38
- Infants 2
- Injunctions 2
- Interlocutory motions 21
- Interpleader 19
- Interrogatories 31
- Intervenors 15
- Judicial case conferences 2
- Jurisdiction generally 1
- Jurisdiction of court 2
- Jury awards 109
- Jury trials 268
- Leave to appeal 4
- Letters rogatory 16
- Mediation 3
- Mistrial 1
- Money in court 7
- Money in trust 4
- No-evidence motions 4
- Notice of civil claim 1
- Orders 383
- Parties 512
- Parties under disability 1
- Physical examination and inspection 12
- Pleadings 1246
- Preliminary point of law 20
- Preservation and recovery of property 1
- Preservation of property 61
- Preservation orders 1
- Pre-trial conferences 3
- Pre-trial examination of witnesses 39
- Privilege 7
- Proceedings 1
- Production of documents 3
- Reconsideration 1
- References 1
- References and inquiries 15
- Representation agreements 1
- Representative proceedings 5
- Return of property 1
- Sales by court 4
- Separation agreements 1
- Service 32
- Service ex juris 32
- Set-off 1
- Settlement 1
- Settlement of action 221
- Small claims proceedings 181
- Solicitor’s fees 1
- Special case 7
- Stay of execution 16
- Stay of proceedings 60
- Stay pending appeal 1
- Striking out 3
- Subpoenas 13
- Substituting defendant 1
- Summary judgment 1
- Summary judgement 1
- Summary judgment 143
- Summary trial 700
- Third party proceedings 144
- Time 8
- Transfer of proceedings 1
- Transfer to provincial court 19
- Trial 590
- Trial management conferences 11
- Trial of issue 2
- Trials 3
- Use of transcript 1
- Venue 31
- Witnesses 62
- Writ of summons 75
- Privacy 117
- Accountants 38
- Acupuncturists 2
- Architects 2
- Building inspectors 1
- Chiropractors 1
- Commodities brokers 1
- Dental assistants 1
- Denturists 1
- Electricians 2
- Engineers 33
- Financial advisors 5
- Foresters 4
- Health professions 4
- Management consultants 2
- Massage therapists 4
- Notaries public 23
- Nurses 4
- Opticians 6
- Optometrists 4
- Pharmacists 8
- Physiotherapists 1
- Professional associations 2
- Property managers 1
- Psychologists 7
- Real estate agents 8
- Real estate appraisers 5
- Social workers 1
- Statutory officeholders 2
- Surveyors 2
- Veterinarians 19
- Prosecution of offences 2
Public authorities
- Approving officers 1
- Auditor general 2
- Benefits for developmentally disabled persons 3
- Canadian transportation accident investigation and safety board 3
- Commissioner of conflict of interest 3
- Community support 1
- Container trucking commissioner 8
- Coroners 3
- Customs 9
- Daycare regulation 2
- Director of child protection 2
- Director of civil forfeiture 115
- Director of commercial vehicle safety and enforcement 2
- Director of crime victim assistance 3
- Director of family maintenance enforcement 1
- Ferry commissioner 2
- Fire commissioner 1
- Gun control 20
- Immigration 7
- Liquor control 75
- Medical and health services 14
- Medicare 4
- Mental health 15
- Ministry of transport 1
- Pest control 1
- Pharmacare 4
- Police 133
- Public health inspectors and engineers 1
- Public trustee 11
- Representative for children and youth 1
- Safety standards appeal board 2
- School boards 3
- Sheriffs 2
- Social assistance 35
- Superintendent of family and child services 1
- Tobacco control 3
- Utilities commissions 1
- Vital statistics 12
- Public health 1
- Public health & welfare 25
- Public inquiries 4
- Public utilities 39
- Public utitlies 1
- Quantum assessment 6
Real property
- Adverse possession 7
- Agricultural land reserve 20
- Boundaries 21
- Building schemes 47
- Caveats 3
- Condominiums 469
- Contracts 1
- Co-ownerhip 2
- Co-ownership 81
- Easement 1
- Easements 198
- Encroachments 43
- Fixtures 9
- Heritage conservation 2
- Highways 14
- Housing co-operatives 8
- Indefeasibility of title 19
- Lateral support 6
- Legislation 8
- Licences 4
- Lis pendens 262
- Partition & sale 1
- Partition and sale 132
- Plans 4
- Public parks 1
- Recovery of land 8
- Registration of interests 47
- Registration of interests in land 1
- Residential tenancies 1
- Restrictive covenants 50
- Riparian rights 3
- Statutory right of way 10
- Strata corporations 2
- Surveys 2
- Real propery 1
- Receivers 128
- Resources 390
- Restitution 202
- Sale of goods 100
Sale of land
- Agreements for sale 12
- Building inspectors 4
- Completion of contract 86
- Contact 1
- Contract 182
- Contractors 3
- Contracts 6
- Contractual interest 1
- Damages 1
- Developers 23
- Misrepresentation 117
- Options to purchase 42
- Real estate agents 96
- Remedies 152
- Right of first refusal 9
- Specific performance 1
- Vendor’s title obligations 3
- Vendor's title obligations 13
- Warranties 14
- Securities 197
- Societies 186
- Statutes 19
- Carbon tax 1
- Corporate taxation 2
- Corporation capital tax 8
- Fire tax 2
- Fuel tax 4
- Gst 14
- Harmonized sales tax 1
- Hotel room tax 1
- Income tax 89
- Income tax offences 1
- Insurance premium tax 2
- Legislation 3
- Logging tax 3
- Mineral tax 5
- Parking rights tax 2
- Property transfer tax 37
- Real property assessment 254
- Real property tax 16
- Sales tax 109
- Social services tax 3
- Social-services tax 5
- Tax sales 4
- Tobacco tax 10
- Abuse of process 7
- Abuse of public office 14
- Abuse of statutory authority 1
- Alienation of affection 1
- Ancillary liability 2
- Assault 80
- Assault and battery 4
- Battery 16
- Breach of confidence 14
- Breach of privacy 1
- Conspiracy 31
- Conversion 57
- Damages 2
- Deceit 19
- Detinue 3
- False arrest 1
- False arrest and imprisonment 15
- False imprisonment 2
- Fraud 9
- Fraudulent misrepresentation 9
- Fraudulent preferences 1
- Harassment 2
- Inducing breach of contract 9
- Injurious falsehood 1
- Intentional infliction of mental distress 1
- Intentional interference with economic relations 1
- Interference with contractual relations 11
- Interference with economic relations 2
- Intimidation 1
- Invasion of privacy 13
- Joint and several liability 8
- Malicious prosecution 15
- Misappropriation of personality 1
- Misfeasance in public office 17
- Negligence 1
- Nuisance 66
- Passing off 27
- Products liability 19
- Sexual assault 76
- Spoliation 3
- Trespass 7
- Trespass to chattels 4
- Trespass to land 96
- Vicarious liability 17
- Wrongful arrest 3
- Trial 1
- Administration of trust 25
- Advisors to the trust 2
- Beneficiaries 9
- Breach of trust 28
- Charitable trusts 19
- Constructive trust 1
- Constructive trusts 41
- Creation 10
- Disclaimer 2
- Express trust 1
- Express trusts 56
- Express, resulting and constructive trusts 7
- Implied trusts 1
- Purpose trusts 2
- Rectification 1
- Remedies generally 6
- Resulting trust 2
- Resulting trusts 76
- Secret trusts 8
- Termination 8
- Trustees 53
Wills & estates
- Actions 1
- Administration of estate 159
- Conflict of laws 3
- Costs 66
- Debts owed to estate 1
- Executors 2
- Executors and administrators 187
- Interpretation 1
- Intestate succession 49
- Legislation 7
- Passing of accounts 1
- Practice 4
- Property of estate 1
- Settlement of action 1
- Wills 268
- Wills interpretation 54
- Wills variation 242
- Workers' compensation 337
- Workers’ compensation 1
- Administrative law 97
- Admnistrative law 1
- Agency 48
- Agriculture 14
- Arbitration 399
- Bailment 20
- Banking 70
- Actions 43
- Administration of estate 25
- Annulment 5
- Appeals 6
- Claims 41
- Cross-border insolvencies 1
- Discharge 45
- Legislation 3
- Petitions for receiving orders 23
- Practice 16
- Priorities 6
- Proceedings generally 1
- Property of the bankrupt 22
- Proposals 39
- Receiving orders 11
- Rights of creditors 1
- Securities firm bankruptcies 1
- Settlements and preferences 8
- Stay of proceedings 7
- Trustees 19
- Bills of exchange 48
- Builders' liens 172
- Carriers 21
- Charter of rights 6
- Choses in action 15
- Class actions 2
- Commissions 1
- Communications 6
- Condominiums 2
- Conflict of laws 323
- Constitutional law 32
- Construction law 322
- Consumer protection 27
- Contempt of court 133
- Breach 158
- Breach of confidence 1
- Breach of duty 1
- Certainty of terms 6
- Collateral contracts 10
- Conditions precedent 6
- Consideration 1
- Contracts made while insolvent 1
- Discharge 47
- Enforceability 1
- Enforcement 8
- Formation 130
- Franchise agreements 6
- Interpretation 199
- Misrepresentation 16
- Mistake 8
- Mortgages 1
- Non-competition clauses 4
- Novation 4
- Parties 31
- Performance 18
- Privity 4
- Proof 5
- Rectification 14
- Releases 5
- Remedies 87
- Repudiation 2
- Restrictive covenants 23
- Restrictive coventants 1
- Tenders 3
- Termination 17
- Terms 20
- Unilateral contracts 3
- Unjust enrichment 1
- Validity 46
- Conversion 1
- Corporate opportunities 1
- Actions 231
- Amalgamation 6
- Arrangement and compromises 7
- Arrangements and compromises 225
- Contracts 15
- Corporate opportunities 4
- Debentures 3
- Derivative actions 7
- Directors 1
- Directors and officers 48
- Dissolution 13
- Extraprovincial corporations 1
- Fraud and oppression 1
- Fraud or oppression 85
- Fraudulent conveyancesd or oppression 1
- Incorporation 1
- Liability 8
- Liability of agent 1
- Meetings 14
- Proceedings 9
- Records 5
- Redemption of shares 1
- Register of members 1
- Restoration and reinstatement 1
- Security 1
- Security agreements 1
- Security for costs 24
- Sha 1
- Shareholders 60
- Shareholders' agreements 1
- Shares 59
- Winding up 3
- Winding-up 51
- Administrative proceedings 4
- Amount involved 13
- Appeals 14
- Appeals as to costs 10
- Assessment 16
- Class actions 5
- Conduct of counsel 3
- Conduct of parties 81
- Contractual provisions 13
- Costs against non-parties 2
- Costs in the cause 1
- Costs of appeal 1
- Costs of appeals 60
- Costs of motions 29
- Disbursements 10
- Discretion of court 33
- Divided success 3
- Fast track litigation 9
- Increased costs 56
- Liability 2
- Nature of litigation 32
- Offer to settle 85
- Orders as to costs 2
- Outcome of litigation 147
- Outcome of litigaton 2
- Parties entitled to costs 10
- Parties entitled to or liable for costs 2
- Parties liable for costs 3
- Payment of costs 1
- Persons entitled to costs 1
- Persons liable for costs 4
- Practice and procedure 6
- Procedural inefficiencies 6
- Recovery 1
- Security for costs 145
- Special costs 92
- Summary trial 2
- Tariff of costs 1
- Unfounded allegations 24
- Courts 111
- Creditors' remedies 182
- Creditors’ remedies 3
- Criminal law 4
- Crown 29
- Damages 43
- Defamation 95
- Defences 1
- Directors 1
- Education 2
- Characterization of relationship 23
- Constructive dismissal 75
- Contract of employment 159
- Contracts 2
- Corporations 1
- Duties and liability of employee 40
- Duties and liability of employee/employer 1
- Duties and liability of employer 11
- Duties of employee 1
- Legislation 40
- Remuneration 26
- Severance pay 3
- Vacation pay 1
- Wages 1
- Wills interpretation 1
- Wrongful dismissal 490
- Wrongful resignation 1
- Environmental law 65
- Equity 14
- Estoppel 78
- Examination for discovery 2
- Expropriation 52
- Fiduciaries 60
- Fourth party proceedings 1
- Franchises 19
- Fraudulent transactions 101
- Gaming 5
- Gifts 1
- Guarantee 1
- Guarantee & indemnity 118
- Human rights 21
- Income tax 1
- Anti-suit injunctions 9
- Anton piller orders 2
- Availability 7
- Enforcement 2
- Ex parte injunctions 20
- Interim injunction 2
- Interim injunctions 313
- Interlocutory injunctions 5
- Mandatory injunctions 7
- Mareva injunctions 102
- Mareva injunctions 1
- Permanent injunctions 3
- Pleadings 1
- Practice 1
- Remedies 2
- Statutory injunctions 5
- Variation 1
- Actions 49
- Agents 17
- All-risks insurance 8
- Business interruption insurance 4
- Course of construction contract 1
- Course of construction insurance 2
- Creditors' insurance 1
- Creditors’ insurance 1
- Defences 2
- Directors and officers insurance 2
- Disability insurance 1
- Duties & liability of insured 1
- Duties and liability of insured 4
- Duties of insured 3
- Fidelity insurance 4
- Fire insurance 13
- Government regulation 3
- Homeowners' insurance 4
- Insurance generally 28
- Interpretation 1
- Interpretation of contract 1
- Interpretation of policy 5
- Liability insurance 17
- Liability of insurer 4
- Life insurance 1
- Marine insurance 12
- Mortgage life insurance 1
- Property and loss of income insurance 4
- Subrogation 3
- Intellectual property 28
- Interest 77
- Interest act 1
- Interim injunctions 2
- Interpretation 1
- Interpretation of policy 1
- Labour law 165
- Landlord & tenant 382
- Law profession 282