Self-Governing Professions 2024

Course Date: June 6, 2024

Full Course Materials
Total: 5h 30min
Total Ethics: 1h
Course Introduction and Land Acknowledgement (9:00 – 9:10)

Nadia MyerthallProgram Lawyer, CLEBC, Vancouver
Lisa C. Fong, KCNg Ariss Fong, Vancouver
Angela R. Westmacott, KCLovett Westmacott, Victoria

View from the Bench: Why is Professional Regulation So Difficult? (9:10 – 10:00)

  • drafting of regulatory provisions
  • structure of regulatory bodies
  • hearing and appeal processes
Justice Harvey M. Groberman — BC Court of Appeal, Vancouver
BREAK (10:00– 10:10)
Constitutional Issues in Professional Regulation (10:10 – 11:05)
  • common Charter issues arising for regulators during the pandemic years
  • regulatory cases engaging with freedom of speech and the developing law
  • use of judicial notice by regulators
Lisa C. Fong, KCNg Ariss Fong, Vancouver
Rachel Noble — Ng Ariss Fong, Vancouver
Sabrina ZhuNg Ariss Fong, Vancouver
BREAK (11:05– 11:15)
Civil Liability of Regulators (11:15 – 12:10)
  • the law governing negligence claims against regulators
  • recent liability cases involving professional regulators
  • the limits of immunity clauses and other areas of exposure for regulators
Kaitlyn ChewkaLovett Westmacott, Victoria
Alandra K. Harlingten
Lovett Westmacott, Victoria
Angela R. Westmacott, KC
Lovett Westmacott, Victoria
LUNCH (12:10 – 12:50)
Top Regulatory Cases (12:50 – 1:50)
  • the most significant recent cases on professional regulation
  • key legal trends for regulated professions
  • the strategic and operational implications for professional regulators
Gregory SimField Law, Edmonton
BREAK (1:50 – 2:00)
A View from Defendant's Counsel in Regulatory Proceedings (2:00 – 2:55)
  • the impact regulatory investigations can have on registrants
  • how best to support registrants through the process in our role as defence counsel
  • how to identify when registrants may need additional supports
  • considerations around advocating for registrants with respect to impact of proceedings
William S. Clark Harper Grey LLP, Vancouver 
Kara HillHarper Grey LLP, Vancouver
BREAK (2:55 – 3:05)
Legislative Developments for Regulators and Responses (3:05 – 3:55)
  • HPOA update
  • legal professions update
  • trends in legislation involving regulators
Natasha DookieChief Legal Officer, Law Society of BC, Vancouver 
Graeme Keirstead, KCDeputy Registrar and Chief Legal Counsel, College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, Vancouver
Concluding Remarks (3:55 – 4:00)

Lisa C. Fong, KCNg Ariss Fong, Vancouver
Angela R. Westmacott, KCLovett Westmacott, Victoria