Building a Flourishing Law Firm 2024

Course Date: February 14, 2024

Full Course Materials
Total: 2h 48min
Total Ethics: 2h 48min

Part 1 (February 14, 2024)
A Decision-making Framework for Small and Mid-size Firms

In presentation one, we will teach a simple planning framework for establishing a strategic foundation for the law firm.

Our framework is structured like a house.

The roof:

  • VISION—what does great look like? What type of work are you doing, who are you working for, who are you working with?

Three pillars:

  • PEOPLE—To serve "great," what players do you need? Who do you have already, who do you need to recruit or develop? Is their "great" aligned with your "great"? What types of feedback and training will help the team grow? How can you better support your team?
  • CLIENTS—Who are our best clients? How do we reach them? How are they best served? What clients would be better served elsewhere?
  • FUTURE—Leadership and client succession considerations, future of practice considerations.

The foundation:

  • PLATFORM—What needs to be more efficient? What tools or processes are we missing? Accounting, Systems, Training, …

The energy source:

  • The CULTURE battery pack (to be discussed in part two)

In this session, Allison and Carina will show with practical examples how, with this foundation in place, operational decisions and people and process questions (such as those listed above) are simplified and the answers are clear.

Part 2 (February 21, 2024)
Firm Culture and Strategy: Boom or Bust

Law firms with a clear vision, a solid strategy, and a commitment to action still need to consider one more vital ingredient that can make or break their investment: culture.

Culture when done right becomes the engine powering recruitment, retention, and results.

In this presentation, we will provide a guide for law firms to proactively cultivate their culture to be an important asset that encourages desired behaviours and drives results.

We will point to the warning signs that strategy and culture are not in alignment and will show how law firms can correct course on aspects of their culture that are holding them back from achieving their best.

In this session, Allison and Carina will define the often-amorphous concept of "culture" and will show how it can truly be the boom or bust factor in a law firm's achievement of their strategy.